2-8 Hour Sessions
This workshop was created solely for individuals tired of struggling, living beneath their privileges, from pay check to pay check. This seminar /workshop series walk individuals through a step by step instructions and hands on coaching sessions. If you are ready to slay the giant of lack and despair and end the debt trap, this seminar is for you!

Nonprofit Management Leadership Certificate Program
"Preparing small nonprofits for New Economic Roles"
Preparing for new roles in Nonprofit fields are an important part of U.S. economy, operating in the areas of healthcare, education, social services, arts, recreation, business/professional associations, and religious organizations. They serve many social needs and are important for the implementation of government programs and initiatives at the local, state, and federal level.
The nonprofit sector is expanding in both scope and volume with more than 837,000 nonprofits in the United States, all of which need trained leaders to carry out their organization’s mission (The National Council of Nonprofit Associations). Nonprofit organizations provide vital services that distinctly contribute to the health of our communities.The Nonprofit Management Program is to ensure that these vital services continue to grow in scope and quality.
By pursuing a nonprofit leadership certification, you can expand to new heights in roles such as manager, project leader, community organizer, department lead, or educational resource manager within a wide range of nonprofit organizations.

Non-profit Management Certification Program is designed to provide you with practical skills you can immediately bring change to your community–from the strategic development of a business plan, to how to successfully raise funds for an organization, to strategies for organizing and mobilizing a volunteer workforce.
This Program Is Comprised of 10 Sessions:
- Introduction to Nonprofit Management
- Compliance, Governance & Leadership
- Board Development & Duties
- Attracting & Retaining Volunteers
- Fundraising
- Crowdfunding
- 21st Century Marketing
- Strategic Planning
- Corporate Sponsorship
- The Grant Writing Process

Congratulations are in order for these victorious church and ministry leaders. They are pumped and ready to serve. Each has completed Doing Church Right 10-sessions Nonprofit Management Leadership Certification Program. Watch out! They are armed, and highly effective. They are prepared and trained to defeat debt, poverty, lack and despair one family at a time.
Again, they are fully armed and headed to a church or community near you; so be ready and beware! Matthew 25:35

Participants will learn:
- How nonprofit organizations are established
- How they serve different segments of society
- How they are funded and the role of humanity
- How their programs are planned, budgeted, and evaluated
- How human resources, legal, and ethical problems are resolved
- How to find donors to support your program / cause
Church Conflict Management
3-4 hours Workshop (Recommended for All Church Leaders)
Church Conflict is the major reason many pastors leave their churches, and sometimes even the ministry. Unresolved conflict has caused active, hardworking members to leave the church and devoted church leaders to abandon their leadership roles. Many times, this happens because pastors and church leaders do not know how to resolve conflict in a healthy manner.
This workshop helps pastors and other church leaders to:
- Experience more practical ways to handle church conflicts
- Understand the causes and nature of church battles
- Recognize a potential church conflict environment
- Minimize church internal conflict
- Improve church conflict management skills
- Demonstrate hands-on interaction

God, Money, and You
Empowering the church body spiritually, mentally, and financially while taking the church and ministry to another level.
God, Money and You is a powerful seminar that teaches individuals how to recognize the seven money skills that are essential to attract wealth. God, Money and You is the key that helps you to identify your God given wealth producing talents. Developing and consistently exercising your money skills will usher you into a life style of true prosperity and independence.
The way we handle money and other material possessions is directly related to the level of financial achievement. God, Money and You seminar will teach you the following:
- How to recognize your money skills
- How to attract wealth and material possessions
- How to activate your wealth building talents
- The purpose and power of Money
- The key to abundance and much, much more

Developing Your Money Skills
You as individuals have the power to build, to create, construct and assemble wealth. In other words, you possess the authority to produce a prosperous life for themselves. We are born with the talent to succeed. The seed of success is planted within us from the very beginning. In order for your seed to produce a financial harvest it must be nurtured and refined.
Developing Your Money Skills is the workshop that will turn your life around. Don’t miss it!
This Workshop Teaches You:
- The seven essential money Skills
- The five commissions of money
- Effectively exercise your skills
- Increase and expand your territory
- How to employ your skills

Responsible Home Buying
Buying a Home is one of the largest assets most Americans will ever acquire. Owning a home is still one of the American Dream. Homeownership is a tremendous responsibility. Do not take-home ownership lightly. There are certain steps you must take to safeguard your asset and assure lifetime ownership. Responsible Home Buying seminar guides you step by step through the home buying process.
In this seminar, you will learn:
- Which mortgage is right for you?
- How much house can you afford?
- Can your lender pre-qualify you for a loan?
- What is the necessary down payment & closing cost?
- How do you recognize predator lending?
- And more!

A new home should be a pleasant and rewarding experience, without additional financial stress and strain. If you have not prepared for homeownership, you are creating additional money problems. Responsible Home Buying is a Must, for first time home buyers or those that have suffered the loss of a home to foreclosure in the last three years.
No Church Left Behind
According to Matthew 25:35, the churches commission is to assist the less privileged and have compassion for the needy. Regrettably, many have lost their ability to feel compassion but, practice sympathy, instead. God’s number one commission is to demonstrate compassion to His least ones. When compassionate is not shown to His least ones, God still takes this Personal.
In this seminar, you will learn:
- Understanding Kingdom Principles
- Creating A Healthy Church Body
- Establishing Social Connection With The Community
- Preparing The Chruch For Kingdom Assignments
- Identifying Ministries Within Your Church
- And more!

To receive maximum benefit from a “No Church Left Behind” seminar, necessitates an 8-10-hour session. It is recommended to schedule at least two consecutive days with 4-5-hour sessions.
Audit Class For Small Churches
In-House Internal Audit Training Workshop
A local internal small church audit done right should track every penny from the time it was placed in the collection basket, delivered to the finance room, counted by the specified individuals, recorded into accounting ledger, transported to the bank, deposited into the church account and disbursed.

In-House Internal Audit Training Sessions (2-2.5 hours)
Session 1 The Importance of Accurate Financial Records
Session 2 The Efficient Internal Accounting System
Session 3 The check list & process of small church Internal Auditing
Session 4 Preparing an Internal Annual Audit Report
Audit Guide For Small Churches
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