Doing Church Right
Resource Center Inc.
Our mission is to bring social, economic, and financial healing to the world through educational webinars, seminars, lectures, and workshops implementing hands on coaching, within practical and instructive settings.
Call us today (919) 988 - 8287!
Church Business Resources in Goldsboro, North Carolina
Starting or expanding a church, business or ministry is as rewarding as it is challenging. Thankfully, you’ve got Doing Church Right on your side. Based in Goldsboro, North Carolina, we offer a variety of business products and services specifically designed to help grow and develop strong out reach ministries, small businesses, nonprofits, for -profits, churches, for-profits across the nation.
From fundraising to crowdfunding, corporate sponsorship to grant writing, Outreach ministry start-ups to 501(3)(c) – 1023 application submission to grant writing. We do it all. Doing Church Right offers a variety of resources, products, and services that are essential in developing stable and effective organizations .
Some of the services we offer are Compliance review, Fundraising, Business Certifications, Corporate Sponsorship, nonprofits services, grant writing, personal finance coaching, bookkeeping, and internal seminars workshops and much, much more. From church/outreach ministry start-ups to 501(3)(c) – 1023 application submission to grant writing. Again, we do it all.

Nonprofit Compliance & Governance

Seminars, Workshops & Certificates

Personal Finance & Credit Education
Streamline and standardize
finance operations
What people are saying about Doing Church Right!

Inspirational Speaker, Talk TV - Radio Personality
Thanks again for what part you played in helping me 'See what I saw.'"

Diane's book is some of the best insurance you can get to help you financially. Her book is awesome, but just wait until you attend one of her seminars/webinars, you are going to be helped beyond measures.